On Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 9:15 pm UK time, the eagerly anticipated lunar eclipse in Taurus will take centre stage, marking the final eclipse of not only the Taurus/Scorpio axis but also the year — closely followed by the full moon in Taurus at 9:24 pm. 

Eclipses mark pivotal points that gradually unfold. 

Eclipses come in pairs, consisting of a solar and lunar eclipse, each revealing two sides of the same celestial story. The first act of this month’s cosmic drama was the new moon solar eclipse, often referred to as the ‘Ring of Fire’ eclipse, which graced the zodiac sign of Libra on October 14, 2023.

What do Solar and Lunar Eclipses illuminate? 

While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse helps us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. Lunar eclipses, like full Moons, are revealing. They convey the truth, often in a dramatic way. 

A lunar eclipse is an opportunity… 

To change your life significantly, which may happen abruptly. You may feel surprised or caught off guard by what is revealed. Old energies may rise to the surface of your conscious mind to find understanding and closure, and you may face them again as they exit from your consciousness. Not all of the information is negative. Some of it may inspire and encourage you to shift your life.

There is no moving backwards on the lunar eclipse. 

You cannot fight this knowledge. You can only take it in and ask yourself what you can create with this. You will be frustrated if you attempt to cling to energies that no longer serve your evolution. Finding the least dramatic way to move on is best.

The final lunar eclipse in Taurus brings closure.

Now, the stage is set for the grand finale, as the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus, occurring on October 28, 2023, takes its bow. This eclipse season is particularly special because these events signal the conclusion of the Taurus-Scorpio cycle, which has unfolded over the past two years, revolving around the themes of resources, values, power, wealth, authority, and self-worth.

The journey began on November 19, 2021.

The initial eclipse in this cycle set the stage for what was to come. Since then, each eclipse has been pivotal in reshaping our lives, illuminating areas that require change and growth. This lunar eclipse brings a vital energy of closure to the last two years.

Embracing the Exaltation of the Full Moon in Taurus.

The Full Moon in Taurus is exalted, which means it’s the greatest place to be for growth, power, and harmony. During this Full Moon, we could gracefully grow towards what we wish to manifest. However, eclipses are NOT a time to consciously work with manifestation; the energy is so strong it would be like trying to manifest within a cosmic storm. Instead, how about going with the magic and seeing where you end up? The universe has something bigger and better in mind than we could ever imagine, so let it take charge and follow any hunches or waves of energy you may get; there is no need to push this river along. 

Mars and Jupiter on Eclipse day:

Mars in Scorpio directly opposes Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on the eclipse day. Oppositions bring tension and frustration, forcing a make-or-break situation. Coupled with the power of a Lunar Eclipse, the sudden surge of (e)motion could disrupt your nervous system, and you may even resist it initially. 

Mercury also plays a pivotal role in this eclipse. 

Sitting next to Mars in Scorpio, it also opposes Jupiter. Swiftly brings information during this eclipse, making it an excellent time to journal and listen to your intuition. It’s also a time to communicate with nature by noticing the signs that arrive at your doorstep. This eclipse is about simple truths. If you see a sign pointing you in a specific direction, follow it. If you need a sign, ask for it. If you receive it, don’t question it.

The Final Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse and final Eclipse of 2023.

As the eclipse energy culminates in the full Moon in Taurus, feel it hold you. This lunar eclipse is also a healing time. It’s an opportunity to shift away from pain and upheaval. It’s a chance to focus on the simplicity of life and use it to heal. Taurus teaches you to uncomplicate your life. Instead of allowing drama and complex emotions to rule your consciousness, Taurus compels you to take life one step at a time.

Taurus encourages you to follow your instinct and not question it. 

If you are unhappy in a relationship, it’s time to leave. If you want to take a trip, it’s time to book it. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s time to slow down. There is no discussion about any of it — just straightforward answers devoid of drama. Feel this simplicity take over this eclipse, and let it bring you some peace among any chaos in your life.

There are, of course, some life decisions that require more thought and attention. Taurus encourages us to take the most straightforward approach even with those. Connect with nature if you have a looming decision on your mind this eclipse. 

The eclipse through Tarot:

The Sun in Scorpio (ruled by Death in the Tarot) waves a flag with a white rose, promising new life on the other side, whilst the Moon in Taurus (Six of Pentacles) scatters seeds of abundance and sows them deep into the new golden fields before you.

As you work with this energy in conjunction with Taurus, feel connected to your purpose with all your senses. Feel the foundation of who you are and what helps you ground your energy when others throw you off balance. Release habits, behaviours, or partnership drama that distracts you from your truth or centre. 

This eclipse is all about finding stillness in the intense transformations of life. Align with the stillness this eclipse provides to remain clear, focused, and aligned with your life’s path.

The Major Arcana Taurus cards are the sacred High Priest and the pregnant earth mother of The Empress.

Inviting you to connect with your sacred power within via your breath, body, and nature leading up to the eclipse. Focus on the simple things in life and allow any chaotic energies to settle by setting an intention to remain grounded in your body. As the eclipse energy culminates in the full Moon in Taurus, remember it is here the moon is exalted and feel it hold you.

This lunar eclipse is also a healing time.

It’s an opportunity to shift away from pain and upheaval. It’s a chance to focus on the simplicity of life and use it to heal. Taurus teaches you to uncomplicate your life. Instead of allowing drama and complex emotions to rule your consciousness, Taurus compels you to take life one step at a time. It is a gentle reminder to find the simple answers to life’s most complex topics.

Let the eclipse be a soft landing place for your emotional process of the previous two years. 

A lunar eclipse will eventually bring needed changes. Remember that this eclipse completes the energies put in motion two years ago with the first lunar eclipse in Taurus in this set of eclipse cycles that occurred on November 19, 2021. 

You may have experienced great upheaval in your life or feeling changes starting to stir – if you are anything like me, it’s both! The eclipse is a time to centre yourself and feel your inner stillness and strength. 

Go somewhere to clear your head and your heart. 

Get outside, stare at the ocean, or go for a hike. If you live in an urban area, avoid the stimuli of artificial lights and sounds. Sit under the stars as the light of the full Moon in Taurus brings you stillness. In this stillness, find the answers you seek. Then, trust that the simplest solution is the correct one.

Not all transformation needs to be full of complicated emotions

This eclipse is your chance to transform and shift old patterns into new ones that allow you to heal. It’s your chance to let go. Not because some significant event has occurred, someone is forcing you, or you feel you have no choice. It’s an opportunity to release energies that no longer serve you without struggle or effort. Let go the way a petal drops from a flower — because it’s time. Feel the simplicity of this eclipse and let it shift your life away from chaos and into harmony as you come home to yourself. 

The month following any eclipse season. 

Is an opportunity to detach from energies, emotions, and even people who do not serve your evolution. Eclipses are the time to break through the barriers, in whatever form they take, that prevent you from reaching your potential. They are about letting your life transform.

And there’s more to this story – the fact that it falls on Halloween weekend adds an extra layer of significance. 

This eclipse in particular waves a massive no-return sign in the sky, not only because it’s the final eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio axis closing a chapter that began in November 2021, but also because it falls at the time of year when when the veil is at it’s thinnest, and death is at its strongest. 

Halloween is traditionally associated with thinning the veil between the physical and spiritual realms — a time when we celebrate transformation and embrace the unknown with fun and adventure. Falling on Halloween weekend, the lunar eclipse in Taurus marks the conclusion of a transformative eclipse cycle. It aligns with the spirit of crossing over from one phase of life to another. 

Just as Halloween invites us to explore our mysterious and hidden selves, this eclipse prompts us to delve into the depths of our inner worlds. It encourages us to embrace change, let go of what no longer serves us, and embody the essence of rebirth and renewal. It’s a reminder that transformation is a natural part of life’s cyclical journey, and just as the seasons change, so do our life cycles. 

Are you ready for an enchanting week of online Halloween celebrations? 

Dive into the astrological, ancestral, and mystical realms as we explore the depths of knowledge, magic, and connection for a sacred Samhain transformation. 

This Halloween, I bring you The Sacred Samhain Sessions. 


Sat 28th 7:30 pm AstroTarotDance Zoom Session

Mark out some time to move to the divine rhythm of the universe and music in a movement meditation designed especially for this eclipse transformation and ancestral power hour! Free for all, but donations are welcome if you would like to make an offering to me for holding the space and the universe for the magic it’s bringing you. 

Below is the link to click join us on ZOOM – but don’t worry, you can turn your camera off and dance like no one’s watching! 

To join AstroTarotDance on Saturday, October 28 at 7:30 pm UK, click this link below at the time:


Meeting ID: 859 2659 7149

Passcode: 639579

For access to the following sessions, click here to join my free tribe here. 

Sun October 29 1 pm UK Honoring The Ancestors Facebook Live: Uncover the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of paying tribute to ancestors during Halloween. They’re closer than you think. 

Mon, October 30 7:30 pm UK Transforming Your Karmic Timelines Facebook Live: Dive into the Transformational Timelines of the Ancestors and Past Lives and discover how to decipher the karma’s origin via Karmic Astrology! 

Wed, November 1 7:30 pm UK All you need to know about… Ancestral Healing Facebook Live: Bring your burning questions and tap into the wisdom of the divine collective consciousness. Ancestral healing beckons! 

Thurs 2nd Nov 7:30 pm UK All you need to know about… Past Lives Facebook Live: Explore the secrets of your past lives and gain insights from the divine collective consciousness. Your soul’s history awaits! 

Fri 3rd Nov 7:30 pm All you need to know about… Karmic Astrology Facebook Live: Join us for a cosmic Q&A and unravel the divine karmic mysteries in your chart with Karmic Astrology. 

Sat November 4, 1:30 pm How to work with Tarot and Astrology to ‘see your soul’  Facebook Live: Find out how Tarot and Astrology work together to reveal your karmic story and the parts that make up your soul! 

Join us for “The Samhain Sessions” and embrace the transformative energies of this lunar eclipse. Request to join my free tribe, and let’s embark on this journey together. 

Wishing you a ‘wonder-full’ Taurus Lunar Halloween Eclipse!